Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sausage and Cheese Muffins

As I was looking at the ingredients to see if this was a realistic recipe to make (remember now, I'm soooo tired by this point and I now have a walking child who is pulling on my leg the whole time I'm in the kitchen and I can only handle so much tugging and whining), I saw sour cream and didn't even finish reading the rest of the ingredients before adding these to my list. What a perfect weekend breakfast!!

You see, I make a casserole very similar so I thought...

- surely the sour cream will add some kind of fun adventure to my mouth!!
- being in muffin form will make it seem like we are at a luxury hotel with catered breakfast muffins!!

And as usual, none of the above came to fruition. I have an active imagination that disappoints me all the time.

Based on Husband's reaction, you would have thought they were some manna from the heavens of sausage land. I, on the other hand, thought they were ok. But I think I know why I thought they were so so. You see, when I was pregnant, I demanded McDonald's sausage breakfast burritos at LEAST every weekend and since the last part of my pregnancy was in the summer, almost every day just because I could. Plus I made my casserole so much that by the time these muffins came to life, I was over it.

So there are your two opinions to go off of. Choose wisely...

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