Sunday, March 10, 2013

Mexican Sour Cream Rice

I know I said I would start posting tomorrow, but Hell has frozen over and my child is occupied.

THIS recipe needs to be on your menu soon!! Although this recipe comes with a sad story, it was still delicious.

Once upon a time, there was a family. They would be together every night, hang out and keep each other company while mom cooked dinner. Mom could focus all her attention on the cooking (minus the times baby was pinching her thighs, scratching her legs to be held, wiping snot on her legs, throwing a fit to have a bite of what's cooking, pointing and mumbling and getting mad when mommy didn't understand, etc) while daddy played with baby (minus the times he was in the kitchen pinching mommy's thighs, scratching her legs to be held, wiping snot on her legs, throwing a fit to have a bite of what's cooking, pointing and mumbling and getting mad when mommy didn't understand, etc).

One night, daddy had a softball game so mommy was home alone with baby. She had a recipe planned and she would not let the absence of another adult get in the way of her cooking a tasty meal. Yet in reality, she knew cooking would be near impossible and she was right (as always).

On the menu were quesadillas and a new Pinterest recipe, mexican rice. Mommy put together the rice mixture and stuck it in the oven to cook. While putting together the quesadillas, baby wanted the chicken, cheese, salsa and tortillas. Mommy gave in and let him have some, spreading it all over the kitchen floor. Cooking the quesadillas didn't take long and by the time she was done, the rice was done.

On to a plate the food went. Mommy sat down to try to eat and it began. "Momma!! Momma!!" followed by the sign for "please" and "eat". It took mommy about 30 minutes to eat and the food was cold. Baby had about half of mommy's food.

Cold or not, mommy realized that this new rice was the BOMB!!

Did you like my story? By the time I was done eating, I was way too tired to walk 20 feet into the next room to get the camera to take a picture. My rice looked exactly like the picture.

I give this one a 9 out of 10 and hope that your cooking experience will be easier than mine. The good news is that daddy won't be going to anymore softball games because he got kicked out.


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